Trailanga Swami

Trailanga Swami – The Living Lord Shiva of Varanasi.

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God Manifest in various forms in different ages to guide the human race for a spiritual revolution.

Trailanga Swami – The Story.

India is an ancient country and the place of yogis, mystics, sages, and saints, Hinduism which is a Sanatana dhrama is the oldest living religion on this planet earth. India is a land of saints, yogi, sages and Siddhas like Devraha Baba who lived 1000 years also called an ageless yogi, Neem Karoli Baba who inspired the Apple founder Steve Jobs when he read the book about his miracles, lahri mashaya, keena ram and many more yogis and siddhas born in this land. But tailanga swami was unique, he lived 280yrs some say around 400 years in India. The story of tailanga swami is quite inspiring and full of miracles which made him a unique yogi.

Tailanga swami was born in 1607 in a small village of south India Vishakhapatnam, his father was a reputed man in the village and his mother was a housewife both of his parents were spiritual and highly devoted to the God Shiva. Tailanga swami was born as a Shivarama and from his childhood he was deeply devoted to the lord shiva, after the death of his parents he stayed in the shamshaan or cemetery started meditation left his home and all his possessions and went to the hills of Himalayas, and did penance for many years after the heavy penance under his Guru guidance after self-realization he returned to the Varanasi and devote himself to lord Vishwanath.  

Trailanga Swami & His Miracles.

Many miracles have been observed by the people of Varanasi about him like he lay on the river Ganga for many days and slept on it like a child sleeping on the lap of his mother.  His many miracles was recorder in the of British Era in India by British Officers.

He can disappear in the meditation and be visible in many places at any time. He was Siddha Yogi and had lots of siddhis. He was known to have gone without food or water for long periods and was said to have the ability to live for extended periods without breathing. There are many stories of his miraculous feats, such as his ability to transform his body into different shapes and sizes, and to levitate in the air.

But it was Trailanga Swami’s spiritual powers that were perhaps his most remarkable attribute. He was known for his ability to read the minds of others and to predict future events with remarkable accuracy. Many people came to him for guidance and advice, and he was revered as a wise and compassionate teacher.

Trailanga Swami – The Brahm Yogi.

Trailanga Swami was also known for his devotion to Lord Shiva and spent much of his time in meditation and prayer. He believed that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice was to realize the unity of all things and to experience the divine nature of the universe. He preached to people about self-realization and its practices.

Despite his fame and the many devotees who flocked to him, Trailanga Swami lived a simple life, often begging for food and sleeping on the banks of the Ganges River. He was known for his humility and compassion and was respected by people of all faiths for his deep spirituality and wisdom.

Trailanga Swami passed away in 1887 at the age of 280, according to some accounts. His legacy continues to inspire people around the world, and he is remembered as one of the greatest spiritual teachers of his time. His life and teachings serve as a reminder of the power of spiritual practice to transform the lives of those who dedicate themselves to it.