A Mad Mystic

A Mad Mystic

This is a surrealistic story about the Mystic Madman surrealism .

A mystic who was thought to be mad – as all mystics have always been thought to be – was staying with a friend. The family was a little worried because the man was unpredictable. Not to create any scene in the neighborhood they arranged for his stay in the basement of the house so nobody would know; it was underground.

In the night the family was suddenly awakened by great laughter that was coming from the terrace. They rushed out – they suspected the mystic and they were right. He was rolling on the terrace and laughing madly.

They asked, ”What happened? Why are you laughing like a madman and why are you rolling about?”

He said, ”Suddenly I started falling upwards! I was in the basement and I started falling upwards – that’s why I am laughing, because this has never happened to me – and suddenly I found myself on the terrace!