International Yoga Educator - Yogi Siddharth
About Us
Mindselo is a personal growth platform that seeks to transform ideas into wisdom. We want to create conscious minds connected to the world through our education system. We want to bring human transformation by combining leading technology with great storytellers, greatest teachers, mentors, learning theory and community interactions using Vedanta Ideology.

YogYaara is A 3-week Program That Empowers You With A Fun, Rewarding Yoga Practice You’ll Love And Stick To (No Matter Your Lifestyle Or Physical Condition).

We all want to lead a joyful life and want the people we love to be happy too. Despite economic, material, and technological growth, the Society is still not as happy and contented as it used to be around fifty years ago. We need to re-think about our priorities. We Need to Understand that What makes us happy has less to do with our money or possessions but more to do with our attitudes and relationships with others.

Yogyaara-The Way To Happiness
This Program aims to Seattle to people from all walks of life. Bring positivity In their personal lives, communities and work-places, help them create a happier and healthier environment with mutual respect and care for each other. The topics covered in the workshop will help people learn practical scientific and logical ways to improve their well-being and further impart this joy and wisdom to others. The workshop is based on the eternal Vedic knowledge which has stood the test of time.

How Does Yoga Do All That? (Brief) Scientific Explanation
Yoga provides you all the expected edges of a decent physical travail (some a lot of intense styles of yoga even count as a cardio workout).

But there’s additionally one thing occurring after you do yoga, and it’s connected to your body’s involuntary nervous system: a ‘control panel’ that regulates several of your automatic functions like your respiratory, digestion, and heartbeat.

Here Are The 6 Phase:
✔ Connection with your Natural Self
✔ Gratitude for Everything you have
✔ Freedom from negativity and worries
✔ Creatively rethink and reset every aspect of your life
✔ Positive Intentions for this life-long quest
✔ receive from the universe constantly

What You Can Expect From This Course?
1. Have an excellent understanding of the principles of Patanjali’s Ashtanga (Eight Limb)
2. Improve alignments and postures
3. Master all 59 Asanas which is important for beginners and Practice a Vinyasa yoga flow that will strengthen the body, release tension, and establish a healing mind-body
4. Unblocking and balancing the seven chakras for restoring wellness on an emotional and energetic
5. Learn and apply the anatomical and physiologist understanding of yoga
6. Learn the science of hatha yoga and Pranayama
7. Learn to use the breath as a tool to become a master of mind and body using Pranayama techniques
8. Learn simple meditation techniques to create mindfulness, awareness and joy in your life
9. Learn to use your Food as Medicine instead of Medicine as Food
10. Explore Yoga’s physical, mental, spiritual and holistic
11. Learn the complete body fitness yoga module
12. become a regular practitioner of Yoga
13. Learn Stress Management
14. know how to enjoy life and add meaning to it in the right way
15. build your immunity
16. Deepen your knowledge of Yoga
17. Learn to relax easily
18. Learn Traditional Yoga Nidra practice
19. Learn more on Pranayama practice, (Anatomy physiology and philosophy)
20. Learn Meditation

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Yoga Style
Anusara Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, AcroYoga, Aerial Yoga, Ananda Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Dynamic Yoga, General Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Nidra Yoga, Patanjali Yoga, Power Yoga, Raja Yoga, Restorative YogaRocket Yoga, Scaravelli Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Transformational Yoga, Vipassana Yoga, Yang Yoga, Zen Yoga
Contact Number
Supported Payment Method
Debit Card, Credit Card, Online Banking, E-Wallets, Cash, Bank Checks
Booking Charges/Tariff
INR 2,999/-
Start Event Date
End Event Date

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