Vedas – The Primeval Knowledge of the World

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What is the contribution of Vedas to the world?

The Vedas are considered to be the basic pillars of Indian culture. These are not only the pioneers of human civilization, but the Vedas also have the honor of being primitive and ancient. In the literal sense, Vedas means “knowledge” because the word ‘Veda’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Vid’ which means to “know” or “to know”. The Samhitas (Codes) are written in the Vedas as a written tradition that has been influencing the public psyche of Indian culture for the last nearly six hundred years.

What is in the Vedas?

It is believed that only one Veda was composed in the beginning. But Maharishi(great sage) Krishnadapayan with sage Vedavyas expanded the Vedas into four parts and hence he became famous as Veda Vyasa. Maharishi Vyasa had four disciples and they all had different education of Vedas. Vyasa taught his disciple Pal to the Rigveda, Vaishampayana to the Yajurveda, Jaimini to the Samaveda, and Sumantu to the Atharva Veda.

All the parts and subdivisions of the Vedas contain the art of living life, knowledge of family, social, national, and international order. Apart from this, there is a store of tremendous knowledge related to education, science, economics, medicine, astronomy, religion, and philosophy.

Knowledge of Vedas has benefited not only Indian civilization and culture but also the entire world with proper knowledge.

Vedas – The Map of Education System of the world.

Education is very important in the development and upliftment of any civilization. The Vedic period was considered as the Golden Age in terms of education in India. Even today, Vedic rules are the basis of education. At present, many rules and policies are made about the discipline of students, but academics are not getting the desired success. In the Vedas, this problem was overcome by personality development and change in the thought process. At that time, the indiscipline of students was not considered to be the result of the environment.

Vedas – The Universal Science.


All the laws of motion of Newton have already been stated by sage Kanad in the Vaishisika sutra. Similarly, the description of the manufacture of various machines and aircraft is also found in various formulas. Treatment and methods of diseases mentioned in Ayurveda have become popular as established treatment methods in modern times. From the complete knowledge of the universe, from building construction to the art of building spacecraft, message communication arts, and science, etc. detailed descriptions have been made in various codes.

The British rulers recognized the importance of the Vedas at the core of Indian culture. That is why Thomas Macaulay tried to attack this root through education and decided to apply English education and its rules system in Indian society. Macaulay succeeds in his endeavor and gradually the knowledge of the Vedas is endangered by Indian society and culture.


Vedas- The Linguistics Evolution.

The original language of the Vedas is Sanskrit and Sanskrit is still taught as a compulsory subject in many famous universities of the world. Apart from this, Sanskrit is also called the father of many languages ​​of the world. The basic forms of the father are Pitru, Mother to Matre, etc. are just a few of many examples.

Vedas – The Primitive Sounds.

The Vedas were the first to understand the importance of sound and rendered the most powerful sound ‘AUM’. Modern scientists have proved that there is only AUM sound extracted from the sun. Also, the sound spoken in a monotone has been accepted as the greatest therapeutic method and the mantras spoken in the Vedas are considered to be the first rhythmically extractive sounds.

Apart from this, there are four Upvedas of the four Vedas which explain the knowledge of every part of the world of knowledge. The importance of Vedas can be easily understood with this epistemology.