How to Detox Your Mind and Fill with Positive Energy?

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All our existence because of the mind because it sees, feels, taste, smell and listen, all these senses reported to the brain and it perceives and conceives simultaneously. Every day, every minute, every second your mind is fed with sensory stimulants like information from news, entertainment from movies, etc whatever your mind feeds so it digests and excretes. The everyday mind feeds with many negative stimulants which result in negative emotion and lead to a negative outlook. The mind has a beautiful part of our body that can do the garbage in and garbage out process regularly like the computer. By just simple practice we can train our mind to create a natural detoxification process to remove all kinds of negative thoughts, overthinking, fears, stress, and other mental anomalies.


The process of mind detoxification can be done in these ways

  • Karma: Actions or Karma of your life decide your future,  what you sow is what you going to reap. Your action is your fate, every karma of your life whether it mental karma or physical karma begets its results which is called called the “Phala” in Sanskrit. It’s a cause and effects principle where bad karma begets bad results and good karma begets good results. But many arguments here that disallow this principle like one of the arguments is many bad people living a good life and having no problems in their life? Well, that’s an incomplete and ignorant thought incomplete because we cannot say some living a luxury or big life is a happy one, we don’t know his miseries what we judge him on its appearance is not always true.  To keep ourselves free from any toxic effects on the mind and in life, free yourself from the result of your karma which is called nishakam Karma.  As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavata Gita also about living a free and happy life “For, wise men possessing equipoised mind, renouncing the fruit of actions and freed from the shackles of birth, attain the blissful supreme state. (51)”

  •    Yoga – Yoga is an ancient practice that creates a balance in the Chitta(mind) by regulating the various vritties, yogic breathing or pranayama is the best way to fill your mind with positive spiritual energy and excrete toxic negative energy. When you inhale and exhale at a constant speed, keep your posture static, keeping the focus on the speed of inhaling and exhale without any force, just natural breathing makes your mind still and silent. The mind becomes like a tranquil and serene lake without any ripples or waves and is silent. Alom -viloam and Kapal Bhati (in a slow-motion not fast) like pranayama exercise make the mind strong and free from the toxic thought processes. By practicing these breathing exercises on regular basis create a natural rhythm of the detoxification process in mind. In a biological explanation, oxygen plays an important role in the rejuvenation of the neurons of the human body, neurons are the connecting cells that transfer information across the body system they have created a network of various neurons cell that connect the body with the brain, these breathing exercises increase the oxygen level to the neural cells and improve the metabolism which results in the better functioning of the brain and its senses.

  • Meditation – Meditation is also one of the best ways of the detoxification of the mind and fills it with positive energy and calmness. Meditation or Dhyana is the most ancient practice by human beings, this practice is a path of seeking inner wisdom and self-realization. Meditation starts with the practice of focus creation which is called Dharana, it is an important step to reach the state of meditation without Dharana meditation cannot be achieved. Dharana is one of the steps of ashtanga yoga it is the sixth video step of Ashtanga Yoga where the mind is prepared to create a deep focus on the object.  So before meditation reach the meditative mind the practice of dharna or mental focus is quite important, without having a focused mind, meditation cannot be practiced. Meditation is a beautiful way to develop a focused, clear and peaceful mind, and as we know a peaceful and clear mind is a strong mind which rejects all kinds of negative outlooks, toxic ideas, or thoughts. Vipassana meditation is a good way to start to strengthen your mind.

  • Chanting – Chanting or prayers are the way to release all kinds of bad thoughts, negative emotions. By chanting any mantra or prayer will help create a positive and divine subtle vibration in your brain center that creates a positive and energetic mind. As per the scientific study on the chanting the mantra “Aum,” it is found that there are some specific vibrations that happened in the brain which helps in the improved memory power, calmness of mind, alertness, and better functioning of other senses. Chanting is an instant way to remove negative emotions from the mind by daily practice you will find divine spiritual energy in yourself.


  • Exercise – exercise is also a good way to reduce stress, anxiety and fill positive energy in your mind. Exercise increases various happy hormones like endorphins etc. So, keep exercising every day to flush out toxins from your mind.

  • Reading – Reading books help to create and nurture the mind. The habit of reading books removes negative emotions and thoughts and helps to convert the negative outlook into a positive one. But it will be better to read biographies, non-fiction real stories, etc rather than non-fiction ones.

  • Music – Music is the best mind healer; it not only heals the mind but also creates a transcending effect on the mind. The soulful and nature’s sounds have a quite deep effect on the mind, it soothes, relaxes, and deepens the mind.