Great Tips to Achieve Work Life Balance

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As per Wikipedia Work–life balance defined as a concept including proper prioritizing between “work” (career and ambition) and “lifestyle” (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation).
This concept is more about the choice of lifestyle that we are living. But as per the current scenario, it is quite difficult to create a work-life balance. And the consequences of imbalance leads to stress, anxiety, depression and other health hazards.
Here are the best tips to maintain a work-life balance.

1. Be a Smart Worker, Not Hard Worker:

Working long hours will never lead you nowhere but only the stress & depression. People now a day’s spend more time on work and less of the sleep. US academic Matt Might suggest an equation for work is: output = unit of work/hour × hours worked. ‘Work more, sleep less’ people tend to focus too much on the hours worked part of the equation. “Worker needs to work smart not long “ it means that you need to smartly prioritize your work tightly which allows fixed time for the particular task and try to avoid too much time on the less prior activities like poorly defined meetings or sessions with people.






2. Unplugged with the Work in Home:

Technology made a work accessible from any place which creates a feeling of non-ending of the workday. When you reached home after work, unplug yourself with your devices. Just switch off your mobile, laptop or tablet and try to enjoy the moments at home. Try to avoid these devices when hanging out with your family member. It will bring a satisfaction you about the utilization of time.




3. Give time for Meditation, Yoga and Exercise Daily:

As we do not forget the basic activities like bathing, sleeping, eating etc likewise give time to exercise and yoga. Doing the exercise, meditation or yoga in the morning will keep you rejuvenate & energize you for the whole day. It will also create a balance in the hormonal metabolism of body to make you resistance to stress and depression. In the evening after work rather giving too much time to idiot box or the alcohol, better to give 10 min to the meditation. This will gives you a sense of mindfulness to the present moment. You can do small 5 minute sessions of breathing yoga asana like prayanam in your office time to make you more aware and mindful. Even joining Yoga retreats or the meditation retreats on the weekend is also a good way to keep you mentally and physically healthy.




4. Manage Your Time on Futile Activities & People
As per the new US, study users are likely to devote 22% of the daily time on the Smartphone in which most time spent on social media, video streaming, and gaming. It is very important to manage your time and create boundaries on these activities which leads to the sense of time wasting. It is better to prioritize your time on these activities so that you can have a proper work-life balance. This rule goes same with the people also, many people in the morning spend a good time in the futile gossiping in the cafeteria or the drink daily after work with the office gang. It is better to bow out and get a good night sleep. Focus on the people and activities that reward you the most.

5. Redefine the definition of Perfectionism
There is no concrete definition of the Perfectionism but thrive ourselves to reach the state of perfection in our work which actually not a bad thing. But in the search of perfectionism, you need to create a balance in the work and life. In the kid stage it is easier to maintain that perfectionist habit, but as you grow up, life becomes more complicated. As you scale up the level at work and as your family grows, your responsibilities expand. Perfectionism becomes impractical, and if that habit is left unrestricted, it can become harsh to live.