buddha secrets

Is Buddha Keeping Some Secrets?

This is a beautiful story of Buddha about his teaching. Once Buddha was passing through the forest, Ananda was with him. It was time for the leaves to fall. The whole forest was full of leaves, fluttering, dancing in the wind under the sun. The trees were standing naked.
Ananda asked Buddha, ”I had not the time to ask because somebody else was always there, and I did not want to interrupt. At this moment we are alone, I want to ask one thing. Have you said everything to us that you know? Are you keeping some secrets?”

Buddha bent down, took a few dead leaves in his hand and said to Ananda, ”What I have said is equivalent to these few leaves, and what I have not said is equivalent to all the dry leaves of this vast forest. But I am not keeping a secret, it cannot be said. Those who will understand what I have said, perhaps may find it themselves; they are bound to. I have only shown the way. I have not said a single word about the goal.”

2 Responses

    • Atmabodhi

      Thanks Anil for your kind feedback on the stories. Please share these stories with your friends & spread the Buddha’s teaching.