frog of the well

Frog of the Well

This is a story of a frog you have heard about, who lived in a small well.  One day it happened that a frog from the ocean came to the well – he must have been a tourist. He came into the well, introduced himself to the frog of the well, and said, ’I come from the ocean.’
Naturally, the frog asked, ’Ocean? What do you mean by ocean? What is it?’

And the frog from the ocean said, ’It is very difficult to describe, sir, because you have never left this well it seems. It is so small. But still I will try.’
The frog of the well laughed. He said, ’Nobody has ever heard about anything bigger than this well.
How big is your ocean?’ And the frog of the well jumped one third of the space of the well and said, ’This much?’
And the frog from the ocean laughed. He said, ’No, sir.’
So the frog from the well jumped two thirds of the space and said, ’This much?’ Then he jumped the whole space and said, ’Now it must be exactly like this well.’
But the frog from the ocean said, ’It is impossible to describe. The difference is not of quantity, it is of quality. It is vast! It is not circumscribed!’
The frog from the well said, ’You seem to be either a madman or a philosopher or a liar. You get out from here! Don’t talk nonsense!’